Here are the printable competitor coupons for the week.  If your store accepts Food Lion, Earth Fare or Harveys as a competitor you can use these with manufacturer’s coupons to save lots of money.  Be sure and ask your store to confirm that they will accept these coupons.
Click the FLIPs tab at the top of the site to see all the current coupons.
Food Lion Coupon
-$1/1 can of Reddi-Wip (exp 12/28)
Earth Fare Coupon
Free 56 oz of Earth Fare Ice Cream with $5 purchase (exp  12/28)
Harveys Coupons (exp 1/4/11)
-$1/1 Coffee-mate Coffee Creamer
-$1/1 Edward Frozen Pie
-$1/2 loaves of Harveys Brand Sandwich Bread
-$1/1 Harveys Brand Orange Juice