Our question stockpile for Ask I Heart Publix is still pretty low, and we need you to help us fill it up again! If you have a question, please send it in. Your questions can be about anything – basic couponing information, how to use the site, finding coupons, other ways to save, whatever you’re curious about! We happily welcome questions from new couponers or old hands alike – and if there’s a question you know the answer to but we haven’t talked about here, send that in too! We want to try to cover just about any question that a couponer could have about anything related to Publix or couponing, and we just know there’s a lot more out there to discuss! Email your questions to contactiheartpublix @ gmail.com.
Also, if you’d like to be featured on the Reader Spotlight, you can also email the idea for your post (or your completed post!) to contactiheartpublix at gmail dot com.