You know, sometimes it is the little things in life that make me happy! I was just sitting here thinking about how fast this summer has zipped right by! Labor Day is only a few days away and next week the boys will both be in preschool 3 days a week!! I will actually have nine hours each week ALONE! I know that might not sound like a big deal, but for me it is huge!!
We have had a busy summer and have done so many fun things. I think my favorite memory is our trip to the the berry farm. It was just one of those days that you look back and smile.
Although I have been to the same farm for several years, I was so busy running my mouth with my friend that I totally missed a turn. We were lost in the middle of nowhere. I finally found some sweet older southern gentlemen who happily gave me directions…well, after they chatted with me for about 10 minutes about the new road being built in their little town. Once we finally made it to the farm everyone ran in different directions ready to fill their buckets.  I loved watching my boys and their friends playing and having so much fun in the huge fields. It was so hot but everyone was having so much fun we never even realized that the temperature was probably 100 degrees! After picking fruit we sat and had a picnic lunch and of course the boys thought that a game of chase was much more appealing that eating their sandwich. The drive home was so nice. Everyone was just exhausted. The car was quiet and all you could smell was fresh berries. By the time we got home some of the kids had fallen asleep. The sweetest picture was my 2 year old who had passed out from all the fun. He was filthy from head to toe. His mouth and shirt were stained from all the berries that he had decided would be better in his mouth than in the bucket.
The folks at Milano want to help us savor those moments and want to hear about your “Milano Moments”  To help you celebrate those moments, they have introduced a fabulous new Strawberry Milano Cookie.  I have to tell you these cookies are just delicious…how can you go wrong with the taste of strawberries and chocolate?!
Head over and grab a $1/1 Milano Cookie coupon.  Don’t forget to visit the Milano Facebook Page for more special offers and discounts.  While you are there you can post your Milano Moment on their wall.
This post is sponsored for the Strawberry Milano Cookie campaign.  All comments and opinions are my own!