Save for College the Smart Way!

 I wanted to give you guys a reminder about Upromise.  I am not sure why I always forget about this fabulous program.  I just received an email letting me know that I had earned almost $2 from eating out last weekend!!  Not only does Upromise give you money for products you purchase but they also have Upromise Dining rewards…how cool is that!!

I enrolled in Upromise when I found out I was pregnant with my oldest and while the money I have earned will not pay for college –hey it is FREE money!!   All I have to do is shop like I normally would and I get money put back into my Upromise account! 
 There are tons of participating product and Publix is a participating store!! All you have to do is ask for a card at your local Publix and have them scan it at checkout!!  You will automatically get cash back for any participating products you purchase!! 
What is even better is that they offer eCoupons that you can “load” to your card each month.  These coupons don’t come off your total but instead add money to your Upromise account!!  Right now there are a couple of great coupons that go with some deals at Publix:
New York Texas Toast or Garlic Bread Sticks 10.5 to 11.25 oz (excludes 3 cheese) 2/$4
-$.50/1 New York Brand Frozen Product, Any – 04-11-10 SS
-$.55/1 New York Brand Frozen Product, Any  Blinkie
-$.50/1 New York Brand
PRINT (zip 32606)
-$.50/1 Upromise eCoupon HERE
If your store doubles use the $.50/1 manufacturer coupon to pay $1 and get back .50¢ in your Upromise account–like paying .50¢ per package!!
Fisher Fusion Trail Mix, reported 2/$2 at some stores
-$1/1 Fisher PRINT
-$1/1 Fisher Product, Any 4 Oz. + (DND 5) – 02-07-10 SS
-$1/1 Fisher Product, Any 4 Oz. + (DND 5) – 02-28-10 SS
-$1/1 Fisher Product, Any 4 Oz. + (DND 5) – 01-10-10 SS
-$1/1 Fisher product, any 4 Oz.  +  (DND 5) – 12-13-09 SS
-$1/1 Fisher Product, Any 4 Oz. + (DND 5) – 12-06-09 SS
-$1/1 Fisher Product, Any 4 Oz. + (DND 5) – 11-15-09 SS
-$1/1 Fisher Product, Any 4 Oz.  + (DND 5) – 11-22-09 SS

-$.55/1 Fisher Fusion Upromise eCoupon HERE
A manufacturer coupon makes each item FREE–the Upromise coupon pays you to purchase the item!!