There are a couple of new coupons on the Cooking With Kraft website.  I also listed the corresponding manufacturer coupons in red.

$2.00 off Publix® Italian Bread when you buy any ONE (1) KRAFT Singles
     -$1/1 Kraft Singles Melt Downs, Any – 04-25-10 SS
$1 off KRAFT Dressing (16 oz. or larger) when you buy JELL-O Mousse Temptations Dessert Pack
     -$.60/1 Jell-O Gelatin, Pudding Or Mousse Snacks, Any 6-Pack Or Larger (DND 5) Blinkie
     -$.55/1; $.60/1; $.35/1 Jell-O Gelatin, Mousse or Pudding Snacks, Any Refrigerated – 04-11-10 SS