Sign ups have now closed!! I guess they are full!
So many of you ask me about saving money at places other than the grocery store…well I was going through my inbox when I noticed my email from the Home Depot Garden Club.  I had planned to go buy some bulbs to force in a few glass jars this weekend.  Well–now I will get a deal as I received a BOGO bulb coupon from Home Depot–PERFECT!!  More money in my pocket–you can go HERE to sign up for their newsletters to get your own coupons (I would share but these are user specific 🙂 )
While we are talking about signing up for newsletters and such…I highly recommend you set up a separate email account just for company sign ups.  Several of you have emailed how much you love the coupons but hate that the newsletters and such clog up your email.  Just get a freebie email account and use it for all your sign ups–that way you keep your primary email account free for personal stuff!!  I have my Outlook account set up so that the emails come into different folders…that way I can choose when I want to go through everything 🙂 Okie dokie…that is my tip of the day. Now I am off to go get my oldest from school and get my BOGO flower bulbs 😀