I found a new booklet–P&G Future Friendly.
All Publix coupon that expire 4/17
-$1/1 Tide product
-$1/1 Charmin 6 mega roll (24 roll equivalent) or larger
-$.50/1 Dawn Product
-$1/1 Swiffer Refill
-$1/1 boxed Pampers product
-$1/1 Pampers Wipes product
-$1/1 Downy product
-$1/1 Bounty 8-roll equivalent or larger
-$1/1 Cascade product
-$.75/1 Swiffer Wet Jet Refill
-$3 off wyb $15 of Duracell batteries (any combination)
-$3/1 any PUR product
-FREE Publix reusable bag wyb 2 products featured in the booklet
-MIR for a FREE Black & Decker LightsOut AutoSwitch wyb $25 of P&G products in one transaction (or 2 wyb $45 of P&G products)