I found another great eBook for you all.  I have to admit that I am now addicted to these things –well… for one they are FREE AND they are a quick and easy read which is all I can often accomplish with my two boys needing so much attention 😀
My latest find is the Spring Cleaning eBook. It is that time of the year when I am ready to start new, get organized and freshen up the house a bit.  What I loved about this eBook is that it gives so MANY great tips and is lays everything out for you!  I am a big list person–I love to create a to-do list and check it off as I complete each task!! This book is perfect for my personality!!  I also learned some new things…did you know you should not store clothing in plastic bags?? Apparently this encourages mold and larvae…hello–I have a ton of things stored in dry cleaning bags as I thought that would keep them clean and help reduce dust!!  Apparently I have a bit of work to do!!
I think you will like this one!  Go HERE to check out the Spring Cleaning eBook. My goal this week is to accomplish at least a little bit each day!! I will also be cleaning out my stockpile pantry!!  Once I am done I will try to post some pictures for you all who have requested pictures 🙂