So many of you have asked about swapping buttons. If it were possible, I would add everyone to my home page…but I have a feeling that my page would be full very quickly 😉
So–I have decided to add a new page for my blogroll.  I would love for all of you  to send me your button so I can add it to my page!!  Each week I will choose a blog to spotlight as the “Blog I Heart!”
I am still among the newbie blogs on the block–I am coming up on my year anniversary in a few months. I have made some wonderful blogging buddies that I “talk” to constantly (usually via email).  It is awesome to have developed a relationship with some wonderful people that I have never met in person but who are just phenomenal people!!  I prefer to think of myself as part of a community of bloggers–after all the world wide web is quite large and there is definitely room for everyone!!  There was such a great response when I asked you to show me your blog…now I want you to give me your button!!
Leave your button info in the comments section so I can easily grab the html. I am looking forward to making some new blogging buddies!! 
I have to work tomorrow for a few hours (yes…I still do occasional consults–I am best when I am in constant motion)  so it may take me a day or so to get the final page up and running!!
I am very excited!!
OK–sorry guys I guess the html will not show in comments…so leave your link to the page that I can find your button