Quiana emailed me about a SUPER tearpad you guys need to be on the lookout for: $1 off Fresh Pork (no other restrictions and expires 12/31/09)  You can get some cheap or FREE pork with that coupon!!

Edie emailed to let me know that the Alouette Spread is on sale priced at $5.49…use the $1/1 peelie and you get an even better deal.  I LOVE this stuff and it is one of my favorite splurges 🙂

RC emailed me about another issue.  He wanted to let me know that apparently Publix has decided against holding the Holiday Fest this year.  I have to say that I am a bit saddened by this!  I am sure many of you will miss this event as well!  For those who do not know what the event is about here is a general description…Every department in the store puts out extensive samples of their holiday foods. The focus is mostly on the Deli turkey dinners and the Bakery pastry. Many stores will  bring in a Santa and local school choir groups. It is a nice event to check out what the store offers for the holidays.  I remember one year I got some FREE cookie cutters and they usually offer coupons as well! 

So if you will miss this event you might consider emailing Publix and asking them to reconsider and bring back Holiday Fest!