Jo emailed to let me know that she found the Bumble Bee Tuna at Publix for .99¢ –use the $1/1 HERE for FREE tuna!! Thanks Jo!

As I was doing match ups I found THIS $3/1 Neosporin Lip Health product.  There is also a B1G1 coupon in the new Green Advantage Buy flyer.  If anyone is headed to Publix and want to give us a price check…I’d be super appreciative!!

I will add this to the match ups in a bit–but there is a new $1.10/3 Progresso Soup coupon HERE –great for the Soup/Pillsbury deal this week. Also the $.75/3 Hamburger Helper reset if you need more of those 😉

Kerry did you see the Wasa .75/1  🙂