A question that I am asked often is: “Where do you get all of your coupons?” 
Well–my answer is: anywhere and everywhere!  I don’t throw any coupons away.  You never know when you might need a coupon down the road for something that is a money maker.  I have heard people say repeatedly that they just clip the coupons that they might use and throw the rest out.  The only time a coupon hits my trash is when I clean out my coupon binder at the end of the month to discard the expired ones.  In the world of extreme couponing–sometimes you have to buy things that you may not need or use.  Often my husband thinks I am crazy when I come home with my various purchases.  I got quite a look when I unpacked the Touch of Grey (men’s haircolor) as well as the time I unpacked 4+ bags of cat food (we don’t have pets!)  I bought those items using coupons in order to get overage to use on items that I did NEED or want.  Had I thrown out those cat food coupons I would have missed out on all that FREE money!  Although I might not need the cat food –I have friends who will gladly take the food off my hands–or I could donate it to the local animal shelter.  There are PLENTY of places in the community that will gladly take any items you buy and give to people who CAN use them!
Today at Publix I came home with a handful of new coupons.  I always grab a few of the various coupons that are available throughout the store. If you look, you will find coupons EVERYWHERE.  There are the blinkies –these are coupons that you can pull from the little machines on the shelf (there is usually a blinking light–thus the reason they are called blinkies).  You can find tearpad coupons on displays and shelving. If you look in the turnstyle at Publix you may find booklets or various other coupons there for the taking.  Vendors and manufacturers put coupons out to entice customers to purchase their products. Of course self control is necessary when collecting coupons–I do not think it is fair to take ALL the coupons that are available.  It is common courtesy to leave some for your fellow shoppers.
So why should you collect these coupons?   Coupons may only be available in the store for a short amount of time–yet, the expiration date may be well into the future.  You might not need the coupons today but you may need them for a sale that is yet to occur!
You do not have to depend on the newspaper inserts as your only resource for obtaining coupons.  Trade with friends and co-workers.  Join a coupon club.  There are coupon clipping sites that will sell you as many as you need.  You can even find coupons on the various auction sites out there.  If you see a coupon while you are shopping–grab it…you never know when it might come in handy!